Journal Archives
The Journal of Consumer Education
1998 Issue, Volume 16
Vicki R. Fitzsimmons, University of Illinois
1998 Editorial Board
Connie Armstrong, Southern Illinois University
Maria Canabal, Illinois State University
Karen M. Chan, Illinois Cooperative Extension Service
Gail Heidemann, Mundelein High School
Eileen M. O'Brien, St. Gregory High School
Aimee D. Prawitz, Northern Illinois University
Mary E. Pritchard (Editorial Advisor), Northern Illinois University
Linda Simpson, Eastern Illinois University
Les Dlabay (Business Manager), Lake Forest College
Consumer Use of Automated Teller Machines
Aimee D. Prawitz and Gail Heidemann -
Exploring College Students' Awareness of and Use of Credit
Lauren J. Leach and Celia R. Hayhoe -
Using History to Investigate Minority Consumer Cultures: Case of the Ebony Fashion Fair
Carlyne Wormley, Virginia Gunn, and Barbara Heinzerling -
Opportunities for Consumer Education in China
Jing J. Xiao -
Educating Consumers for an Evolving Health Care Environment
Mary Ellen Rider -
Financial Security in Retirement: Whose Responsibility?
Beverly B. Kilpatrick and J. Conrad Glass, Jr. -
Breaking the Cycle of Bankruptcy with Consumer Education: Remedial Action or Prevention?
Ruth E. Berry and Sue L. T. McGregor