Journal Archives
The Journal of Consumer Education
1994 Issue, Volume 12
Mary E. Pritchard, Northern Illinois University
1994 Editorial Board
Connie Armstrong, Southern Illinois University
Maria Canabal, Illinois State University
Brenda Cude (Editorial Adviser), University of Illinois
Faith Paich, Glenbrook North High School
Pat Rozansky, LaGrange, IL
Jerry Sax, Gridley High School
Gayle Gilbert Strader, Eastern Illinois University
Les Dlabay (Business Manager), Lake Forest College
Linking Consumer Rights with Citizen Roles: An Opportunity for Consumer Educators
Georgia L. Stevens -
Teaching Teens to Function Effectively in the Consumer Marketplace
Irene E. Leech and Constance Y. Kratzer -
Credit Card Use by College Students
Connie J. Armstrong and M. Joyce Craven -
Parental Purchase of Apparel for Preadolescents
Marie Saracino, Rebecca W. Greer, and Janie O. Kenner -
Pawnshops: A Choice for Consumers
Susan W. Chandler -
Do Consumer Choices Reflect Environmental Values?
Catherine A. Solheim, Kimberly G. Meno, and Paulette P. Hill